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The Daily Devotional Blog * El Blog del devocional diario
Tuesday, July 31 2012

God bless,

        Have you ever found yourself in bed and fought with all you had to wake up? For many of us this is an everyday occurrence and that's ok, we are all over worked and at times we just want to rest. Though this process is not sinful it can become so if we begin to give in so much that we begin to neglect our everyday responsibilities and we lose our ability to be productive. Our inability to produce is not a fruit of a lack of education, bad upbringing or anything like that it is more our lack of desire to continue to push forward because something has taken us off course. I guess what I'm saying is we can't give up! People in society that are the most successful are not this way because of education or last name it's because they have a certain relentlessness to them that lets them continue to walk even when many can't see a road underneath them. The point of the message today is that we have to begin to cast laziness out of our lives and begin to push forward at all times regardless of any obstacles. Do you consider yourself common? If so then giving up on your direction is for you, if you see yourself as being a change maker then seeing adversity will make you gain momentum.


Preparing to shift, Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 19:15 "Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry.




¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

¿Alguna vez te ha pasado que estando en cama descansando tienes que pelear fuertemente contigo mismo para poderte levantar? Para muchos de nosotros esto es algo que sucede casi todos los días y la verdad no tiene nada de malo ya que todos trabajamos arduamente y es necesario descansar. Aunque el descansar en sí no es pecado, puede llegar a convertirse en pecado si por estar descansando o durmiendo comenzamos a descuidar o abandonar nuestras responsabilidades y dejamos de ser personas productivas y eficientes. Nuestra incapacidad de producir no es resultado de falta de educación (no se trata de títulos universitarios o de seminario), no se trata de cómo fue nuestra crianza o nada parecido; se trata más bien de nuestro deseo de prosperar y seguir adelante buscando siempre lo mejor y por lo regular esto sucede porque hemos permitido que algo o alguien nos desvíe del camino a seguir. En otras palabras les quiero recordar que ¡No nos podemos rendir o dejar de luchar! En nuestra sociedad las personas más exitosas no llegaron a serlo simplemente por un bien título o por su apellido, por lo contrario, han cumplido sus metas y se han mantenido porque en ellos hay unas ganas insaciables de seguir adelante, de esforzarse por hacer y obtener lo mejor sin pereza. Estas personas logran superar muchos obstáculos (porque ellos también se enfrentan a ellos) y triunfan porque se mantienen enfocados en la meta. Mi punto en este mensaje de hoy es recordarnos a todos que tenemos que deshacernos de la pereza que a veces gobierna nuestra vida y tenemos que inmediatamente comenzar a derrumbar o a escalar las barreras que encontramos en el camino para poder llegar al otro lado. ¿Te consideras alguien común o inferior a los demás? Si las respuesta es sí, entonces el darte por vencido puede venir naturalmente, pero si te vez con los ojos que Dios te ve y te consideras un transformador de vidas y circunstancias, entonces la adversidad solamente causará que aumente tu velocidad, te dará mas impulso para llegar a la meta.

Preparándome para cambiar de velocidad, Pastor Joell A. Perez

Proverbios 19:15 "La pereza hace caer en profundo sueño y la persona negligente padecerá hambre."




Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 03:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 30 2012

God bless!

                To prosper in life is all about our ability to learn. If we are open to learning and listening we will be able to hear His voice and it will become easier to do the right thing. I'm not saying it will be easy but we will be able to begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ever felt far from the truth? Far from peace? So have I, the only thing that can change that feeling is our ability to re-connect with God. When we draw near to Him all of a sudden we will begin to understand the obstacles and issues and we will find strength where before we saw weakness. Don't believe me? No problem, believe Him today, let Him teach you, begin to keep His commands and you will Live!


Trying to pick up my chin, Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 4:4 "Then he taught me, and he said to me,  "Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live."



¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

 Una de las claves más importantes para prosperar en la vida es nuestra habilidad de aprender. Si estamos dispuestos a dejarnos enseñar y aprendemos verdaderamente  a escuchar, entonces lograremos distinguir el susurrar de la voz de Dios y como resultado, nos será mucho más fácil hacer lo correcto. No estoy diciendo que todo esto es fácil de lograr pero lo que sí se es que en el proceso comenzaremos a ver la luz que alumbra el final del túnel. ¿Alguna vez te has sentido lejos de la verdad, lejos de la paz? Puedo asegurarte que lo único que me ha ayudado cuando me he encontrado con estos sentimientos  es la habilidad de poderme reconectar con mi creador, con mi Padre. Cuando decidimos verdaderamente acercarnos a El y buscar su rostro comenzamos a entender que todos los obstáculos o problemas que se atraviesan en nuestro camino nos hacen más fuertes en medio de nuestra propia debilidad. ¿Te cuesta trabajo creer lo que te estoy diciendo hoy? No hay problema, no me creas a mí, créele a El.deja que El te enseñe. ¡Comienza a cumplir sus mandamientos en este día y te aseguro que vivirás!

 Tratando de animarme, Pastor Joell A. Perez

 Proverbios 4:4 "Él me enseñaba, diciendo: "Retén mis razones en tu corazón, guarda mis mandamientos y vivirás." 



Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 05:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 27 2012

God bless!


                Isn't it awful how we take out all of our anger on God. I know you don't do it, but I do. I have realized over the last couple of weeks how much agita I must give God. I don't get things my way so I shout, I don't see what I want to see so I get an attitude, I don't feel the way I want to feel so I mope. Can you relate? The verse today really just KO'd me because it was right on point and I need to stop acting like a spoiled brat! I make mistakes, notice I said "I", I can't continue to blame Him for what I do. Why am I sharing this embarrassing truth with you? The truth is I don't care who knows it, I just want to change. Today I only encourage you as I do myself if you are going through what I am going through then lets man / women up together and get back to the basics.....God is Love and all He wants for us is the Best!


Apologizing to God....Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 19:3 "A person's own folly leads to their ruin, yet their heart rages against the Lord."


Que Dios Te Bendiga!


¿No te parece espantoso que desahoguemos nuestra furia o rabia contra Dios? Lo más seguro tú jamás lo has hecho, pero tristemente tengo que confesar que yo sí. En mi análisis personal de las ultimas semanas me he dado cuenta y puedo reconocer que desafortunadamente lo más seguro le causo muchas desilusiones a Dios con mi actitud. Cuando no logro que las cosas me salgan como a mi me gustan, entonces grito; cuando no veo lo que quiero ver a mí tiempo, entonces me pongo de actitud negativa; cuando no me siento tan bien como quisiera sentirme, entonces me desanimó y hasta puedo llegar a deprimirme. ¿Sera que alguno de ustedes se puede relacionar conmigo? De corazón les digo que al leer el versículo de hoy sentí un nocaut espiritual porque llegó justo a tiempo para recordarme que tengo que dejar de ser un malcriado. Cometo errores, dense cuenta que so "yo" el que los comete (NO Dios) así que tengo que dejar de echarle la culpa a Dios por mis errores. Y para los que se preguntan, ¿por qué comparto esta penosa verdad con ustedes? La verdad es que me despreocupa quien se entere o no, lo único que se, es que quiero cambiar. En el día de hoy te aconsejo igual que me digo a mi mismo, maduremos como verdaderos hombres y mujeres valientes y regresemos a lo básico. ¡Dios es Amor y lo que el siempre quiere para nosotros es lo Mejor!


Disculpándome con Dios, Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbios 19:3 "La insensatez del hombre tuerce su camino y luego se irrita su corazón contra Jehová."



Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 08:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 26 2012

God bless,


        Have you ever found yourself in bed and fought with all you had to wake up? For many of us this is an every day occurrence and that's ok, we are all over worked and at times we just want to rest. Though this process is not sinful it can become so if we begin to give in soo much that we begin to neglect our everyday responsibilities and we lose our ability to be productive. Our inability to produce is not a fruit of a lack of education, bad upbringing or anything like that it is more our lack of desire to continue to push forward because something has taken us off course. I guess what I'm saying is we can't give up! People in society that are the most successful are not this way because of education or last name, it's because they have a certain relentlessness to them that lets them continue to walk even when many can't see a road underneath them. The point of the message today is that we have to begin to cast laziness out of our lives and begin to push forward at all times regardless of obstacles. Do you consider yourself common? If so then giving up on your direction is for you, if you see yourself as being a change maker then seeing adversity will make you gain momentum.


Preparing to shift, Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 19:15 "Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry.


Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 09:25 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 25 2012

God bless!

         We all have plans, we all have desires, we all have wishes but the issue with acquiring what we desire is all in our follow through. What follow through you may ask? The follow through with regards to our actions and our point of focus. What is our focus point? What actions are we taking to acquire what we desire? Plans are great, Vision is great but what good is it to see the finish line and think over and over how to get there instead of just moving towards it? Many of us are stuck on "contemplation", too many questions, too many doubts. It's time to just do it! It's time for us to walk in our desire  and make God our full focus point. When He is our focus point then the obstacles become building blocks towards our final destination. I'm not writing based on book knowledge I'm writing based on personal experience. We all struggle and we all have failures but at the end of the day we are all predestined to be victorious.


Letting the Lords purpose prevail, Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverb 19:21 "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."




¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

 Todos tenemos planes, todos tenemos deseos, todos tenemos sueños, pero el problema por el cual no siempre obtenemos lo que tanto deseamos es la falta de disciplina y la facilidad con la que perdemos el enfoque para hacer lo que es necesario y llegar a nuestra meta. Te debes estar preguntado, ¿qué cosas es que hay que hacer, de cual enfoque me habla? Me estoy refiriendo a nuestras acciones y nuestro verdadero enfoque para obtener lo deseado. ¿Cuál es tu punto de enfoque? ¿Qué acciones estas tomando para obtener lo que tanto deseas? Los planes son maravillosos, tener una visión es estupendo, ¿pero de que nos vale imaginarlos la meta, visualizarnos el ya estar en la cumbre si eso se queda solo en visiones y no tomamos acción para movernos hacia la meta? Muchos de nosotros nos quedamos trancados "contemplando" preguntas, "contemplando" dudas. ¡Ha llegado el tiempo de actuar, el tiempo de movernos! Es tiempo de caminar hacia nuestros deseos y poner nuestro enfoque total en Dios. Cuando Dios es nuestro enfoque entonces los obstáculos en el camino se convierten simplemente en partes integrantes de nuestro destino final (dejamos de verlos como barreras y más bien como escaleras para llegar a nuestra meta). No les escribo esto basado en conocimientos de estudio o teológicos se los comparto por mi propia experiencia personal. Todos tenemos nuestras luchas y muchas veces fracasamos pero recordemos que al final del día, Dios ya nos ha predestinado a ser victoriosos en El.

 Dejando que el plan de Dios prevalezca, Pastor Joell A. Perez

Proverbios 19:21 "Muchos son los planes en el corazón del hombre, mas el consejo del SEÑOR permanecerá."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 08:50 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 24 2012

God bless!
          You are sitting at your kitchen table watching your child play close to the open flame, what do you say? I would hope we all agree and we would tell them to stop, but what if that child continued doing the same thing over and over day after day? What if they did it to taunt you? Eventually we all have a tipping point where words will lead to actions until the child understands consequences, but what about adults? We can't treat adults like children, right? The verse today talks about how someone with a hot temper must pay their penalty because unless they do we will be bailing them out over and over. Of course we all know we are trying to play God when we alleviate people from their consequences, right? What good are we performing to the individual if they don't learn their lesson? Let's take some time today and ask ourselves if we are bailing someone out of something that they would benefit in experiencing and if we realize we are let's love them enough to understand the process of change and growth. Sounds hard? It is!

Letting go, Pastor Joell A. Perez

Proverbs 19:19 "A hot-tempered person must pay the penalty;
rescue them, and you will have to do it again."

¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!


Imagínate la siguiente escena, estas sentado en la cocina y de pronto te das cuenta que tu hijo esta jugando demasiado cerca de la estufa la cual esta prendida a fuego alto, ¿que le dices en ese momento? Espero estar correcto en pensar que todos haríamos lo mismo en decirles inmediatamente que se alejen de allí y dejen de jugar cerca del fuego, pero ¿que sucedería si día tras día tu hijo volviera e hiciera lo mismo? ¿Qué pasa si de pronto lo hacen solo para fastidiarte o provocarte? Eventualmente todos llegamos al punto donde se acaban las palabras y las advertencias y tenemos que actuar hasta que ese niño entienda las consecuencias de sus acciones, pero ¿qué pasa cuando somos los adultos que actuamos así? No podemos tratar a los adultos como si fueran niños ¿verdad? El versículo de hoy nos explica como alguien de temperamento fuerte tiene que pagar la multa (consecuencia) de sus acciones porque si no los dejamos, seremos nosotros los que siempre estaremos rescatándolos y sin embargo ellos no aprenderán. Por supuesto que todos en algún momento de nuestra vida tratamos de ser Dios ayudando demasiado a alguien para aliviar sus problemas que no los dejamos experimentar las consecuencias de sus propias decisiones, ¿es cierto o no? Pensemos por un momento, ¿qué bien le estamos haciendo a las personas que tratamos de ayudar si en verdad no están aprendiendo la lección? En este día tomémonos un tiempo para analizarnos y reconocer si pagando la fianza por alguien es la mejor manera de enseñarles o no, si los amamos lo suficiente comprendamos el proceso de cambio y crecimiento que Dios pide de todos nosotros. ¿Suena difícil? ¡Lo es!

Soltando por amor, Pastor Joell A. Perez

Proverbios 19:19 "El hombre de gran ira llevará el castigo, porque si tú lo rescatas, tendrás que hacerlo de nuevo."


Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 08:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 23 2012

God bless!

                Have you ever heard someone say they happened to be in the right place at the right time? It's a very common saying and one that holds true very much so. With that said though it is right it also works in the opposite direction. Where are we now? Where are we standing? What direction are we heading in? Do we know we are in a place we shouldn't be yet we insist on being there anyway? I know many the times I have convinced myself that I was doing the "right" thing but in my heart I know I was so far from that it wasn't even funny. So what do we do? Let's use our spiritual GPS and locate ourselves according to the word of God then lets allow God to straighten our paths out. If we don't get on the correct path we will never receive the awesome benefits that have been predestined for us.


Checking my location.

Pastor Joell


Proverbs 4:27 "Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil."


Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 06:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 20 2012

God bless!

                Don't you hate that moment when you realize you just started a big stink for no good reason? You spoke to fast, said the right but wrong things, didn't really want to cause so much drama but its knocking at your door regardless. Many the time I have found myself in that exact spot and it is quite uncomfortable. The verse today alerts us to the hope a fool has, though we may say we are not fools when we act like one we begin to fit the bill. The only advise I can offer you and myself today is take a moment and calculate the reaction from our decisions and words, when we do we will be better prepared for what is to follow.


Trying not to play the fool,

Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 29:20 "Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them."




¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

¿No te sientes mal cuando se forma un problema grande por algo que tú comenzaste y que tal vez no valía ni la pena? Tal vez no esperaste lo suficiente y dijiste cosas antes de tiempo, tal vez aunque tenias buenas intenciones dijiste algo indebido; nunca quisiste formar un problema tan serio pero desafortunadamente ya no puedes retroceder y el problema se formó. Reconozco que en varias ocasiones me he encontrado en esta misma situación y en realidad que es algo supremamente incomodo. El versículo de hoy nos advierte sobre lo que les pasa a los necios y aunque no nos gusta admitir que muchas veces actuamos como tal, es la realidad cuando no pensamos primero antes de actuar. Lo único que les puedo aconsejar en este día tanto a ustedes como a mi mismo es que aprendamos a tomarnos un tiempo y analizar bien cual seria la reacción o consecuencia de nuestras palabras y acciones. Cuando aprendamos esto, por lo menos estaremos mejor preparados para enfrentarnos a las consecuencias de nuestras acciones.


Tratando de no actuar como un necio,

Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbios 29:20 "¿Has visto un hombre ligero de palabra? Pues más puede esperarse de un necio que de él."






Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 12:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 19 2012

God bless!

 Have you ever had a hard time apologizing when you know you did something wrong? Of course you have, we all have. Though this is a common occurrence it doesn't make it right. In our walk with God the  time has come where we have to kick it up a notch and start closing the open doors and putting away the pride and stubbornness. There I said it! As I'm sure you know I'm talking to myself but I'm sure some of you are affected by this as well so I felt it necessary to share todays verse with you. Though many may view you as being a fool for doing what's right, know this that there will be good will from God for your goodwill acts.    What does it cost to apologize?


Saying sorry...Pastor Joell  A. Perez


Proverbs 14:9 "Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright."


¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

 ¿Alguna vez te has encontrado en una situación donde te cuesta mucho trabajo pedir disculpas aún sabiendo que la persona que cometió el error fuiste tú? Claro que sí, estoy seguro que todos hemos pasado por esto. Aunque esto sea algo que sucede con mucha frecuencia no significa que este bien hecho. Ha llegado el tiempo en nuestro caminar con Dios en el que tenemos que comenzar a conducirnos con más madurez e integridad; tenemos que amplificar lo que sabemos le agrada a Dios y comenzar a cerrar las puertas que solo nos llevan al orgullo y terquedad. ¡Listo, ya lo dije! Si me conocen bien ya deben saber que me estoy hablando a mi mismo al escribir este mensaje pero siento en mi corazón que hay muchos más que padecen de lo mismo y por esta razón les comparto el versículo de hoy. No dejes que la opinión de los demás te afecté cuando se burlan y te llaman tonto por hacer lo que esta correcto en los ojos de Dios; solo recuerda que habrán muchas cosas buenas que llegarán a ti como causa de tus buenas acciones. Entonces, ¿que nos cuesta pedir perdón?

 Disculpándome, Pastor Joell A. Perez

 Proverbios 14:9 "Los necios se burlan del pecado, pero entre los rectos hay buena voluntad."



Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 10:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 18 2012

God bless!


 What are we saying with our mouths? This verse is one of the most essential proverbs we NEED to apply (notice I say We). Our mouth is the most effective or destructive tool we have and when misused its similar to hitting our hand with a hammer instead of a nail head. Ouch that hurts! It doesn't make sense, does it? I know it's hard at times to correct this issue but I know it is possible. Today I encourage you as I do myself to stop spewing negativity out of our mouth and start speaking blessings into existence. What do we have to lose?


Trying to rethink my strategies... Pastor Joell  A. Perez


Proverbs12:14 "From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward."
Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 10:25 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 17 2012

God bless!


   Wouldn't it be awesome to have every tool in this world needed to perform any task? What would happen though if you had the tools but lacked the knowledge to use them? Would they be good for anything?  Of course not!  The verse today expresses exactly the fact that we can't only have the tools but we have to work our lands. How do we work our land? EDUCATE ourselves, like anything else in life we have to press in to develop strengths and see production. We can't expect to see results if we don't work, I know this goes against what society teaches us we should seek but it is the truth. Keep in mind God told Adam from the beginning he would have to work the land, Nothing has changed.

Trying to stop thinking about the easy way out...  Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 12:11 "Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense."


!Que Dios Te Bendiga!

¿No seria maravilloso el poder ser dueño de toda herramienta necesaria para hacer cualquier trabajo o proyecto que deseas? Pero, ¿que pasaría si tuvieras todas las herramientas pero no poseyeras el conocimiento para usarlas correctamente? ¿Te sirve de algo el tenerlas pero no poderlas usar por falta de conocimiento sobre su uso? ¡Claro que NO! El versículo de hoy nos habla precisamente de esto hecho; no es suficiente con tener todas las herramientas, hay que saber usarlas (hay que trabajar). ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de aprender a trabajar para producir usando nuestras herramientas? EDUCANDONOS, como todo en esta vida tenemos que esforzarnos y ser valientes para desarrollar nuestras fuerzas y conocimiento y así ser personas productivas. No podemos seguir esperando ver resultados si no estamos dispuestos a trabajar, estoy consiente de que esto va en contra de lo que nos enseña a hacer la sociedad pero es la realidad. Recuerda siempre que Dios le digo a Adán desde el principio que tendría que trabajar.nada de esto ha cambiado.


Esforzándome para dejar de pensar de hacer las cosas fácilmente, Pastor Joell A. Perez

 Proverbios 12:11 "El que labra sus tierras se saciará de pan, pero el que se une a vagabundos carece de entendimiento."





Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 10:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 16 2012


God bless!


Have you ever known someone that has a nice car but doesn't drive it because they can't afford gas? Of course you will never hear from their mouth they can't afford it but all the signs are there. Why am I talking about this? Today's verse is all about this subject. Why should or do we pretend to be something we are not? Does other peoples view of our situation determine our value or does our ability to produce and what we have actually determine it?

I'm sure many will frown upon this email but the purpose isn't to make us feel bad but to push us to achieve success and not just pretend to have it. Even if we have a little, it's better than to have nothing. Who sets our standards? Society or us?

Loving what I have and Thanking God for what He will give me... Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 12:9 "Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food."



¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

 Alguna vez haz conocido a alguien que tenga un carro bueno y bonito pero que no lo usa porque no le alcanza el dinero para ponerle gasolina? Claro que ellos no te contarían lo de la gasolina pero tú te darías cuenta de la situación. ¿Por qué uso este ejemplo hoy? El versículo de hoy se trata precisamente de este tema. ¿Por qué es que a veces pretendemos o tratamos de pretender que somos o tenemos algo que no es cierto? ¿Será que lo que piensan los demás al vernos es lo que determina nuestro valor? o ¿Será que nuestra habilidad de producir y tener cosas es lo que determina nuestro valor?

Estoy seguro de que muchos fruncirán sus rostros al leer este correo pero les aseguro que no lo escribo para que alguien se sienta mal sino por lo contrario, es para que todos nos animemos y nos respaldemos los unos con los otros hasta conseguir el verdadero éxito y no simplemente pretender que lo tenemos. Aun cuando el éxito o el logro sea pequeño es mucho mejor que no tener nada. ¿Quién determina nuestra calidad de sociedad (las otras personas) o nosotros mismos?

Amando y apreciando lo que tengo y dándole gracias a Dios por lo que viene en camino, Pastor Joell A. Perez

Proverbios 12:9 "Más vale el despreciado que tiene quien lo sirva, que el jactancioso que carece de pan."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 09:09 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 13 2012

God bless!

                Have you ever repeated yourself so much to someone that the time came when you simply gave up hope in the person? I'm sure like I have you also have felt the frustration of trying to straighten someone out for their own good to no avail. The verse today talks about the outcome of those that are unwilling to be taught, like a dog who doesn't listen eventually we also fall out of grace and end up crashing against reality and the funny part is we wonder how we got there. Today I encourage you as I do myself to let go of whatever things we have been holding on to, lets learn to be teachable and understand God only has the best intentions for us. Loosen up people!

Desiring my remedy, Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 29:1 "Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed ?without remedy."


¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

?Te ha pasado alguna vez que tienes que repetir lo mismo una y otra a vez a una persona que llegas al punto que pierdes todas las esperanzas en esa persona? Estoy seguro que igual que a mí, alguna vez te haz sentido frustrado con esta clase de situación; seguro en algún momento haz tratado de poner a alguien en su lugar simplemente porque quieres lo mejor para ellos, pero no haz sido exitoso en hacerlo. El versículo de hoy nos explica lo que sucede con las personas que se rehúsan a aprender lo que se les trata de enseñar por su bien. Tristemente igual que una mascota que rehúsa escuchar y obedecer, muchas veces nosotros los humanos también nos caemos de la nube llamada "gracia" y nos golpeamos duro con la realidad y lo peor, es que nos preguntamos a si mismos, "¿como llegue acá?" cuando en realidad ya sabemos la respuesta. En este día te ánimo e igual a mi mismo que verdaderamente dejemos todo aquello que hemos estado aguantando o sosteniendo con tanto miedo de soltar por tanto tiempo y que nos convirtamos en personas dispuestas ha aprender y realmente entender que las intenciones de Dios siempre son para nuestro bien, El sólo nos quiere dar lo mejor. ¡Relájate!

 Deseando mí remedio, Pastor Joell A. Perez

 Proverbios 29:1 "El que se empecina ante la reprensión acabará en la ruina pronto y sin remedio."


Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 09:15 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 12 2012


God bless!

                Recently I was caught up in a situation where I wanted to flesh out, yes me! I was confronted about something that I wasn't guilty of and I wanted to shout my justification because as a human we get to a point where we can only take so much but then I thought to myself: what good is it? Why should I try so hard to convince someone that is unwilling to listen that I'm not wrong about something? I then realized "Who Cares?", I'm still alive, I have blood flowing through my heart, why stir up a fight any longer than it has to be. As I was reading this verse it really hit home because the truth is over the years God has helped me a great deal in this area and this verse just confirms that it's not worth fighting over stupid things, so I won't.  My point today is simple: if we eliminate the small stupid fight from our lives we will have plenty of strength to fight the big ones, lets turn anger away and realize "it's not that serious!"


Forgetting the small things,

Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 29:8 "Mockers stir up a city,   but the wise turn away anger."






¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

 Recientemente experimente un momento donde sinceramente pensé en decir cosas que no eran muy "Cristianas", sí yo también experimento esos momentos. Fui confrontado con una situación de la cual honestamente era totalmente inocente y quería justificar a gritos mi inocencia porque humanamente todos tenemos momentos en nuestra vida donde sentimos que ya no aguantamos más, pero pensé ¿que tienen de bueno estos sentimientos? ¿Por qué debo tratar arduamente de convencer a alguien de que yo no era el que estaba equivocado cuando ni siquiera están dispuestos a escuchar? Fue entonces cuando reaccioné y me di cuenta que en realidad ¿a quien le importa? Aun estoy vivo, tengo la sangre corriendo por mi corazón, ¿por qué alargar o empeorar una pelea sin necesidad? Mientras leía el versículo de hoy me podía relacionar muy bien con el porque a través de los años Dios me ha ayudado grandemente en esta área de mi vida y este versículo absolutamente confirma que no vale la pena pelear por cosas insignificantes (estúpidas), entonces he decidido simplemente no hacerlo. El punto que quiero recalcar hoy es simple: si eliminamos las peleas y disgustos insignificantes (estúpidos) de nuestra vida entonces tendremos suficientes fuerzas para guerrear cuando lleguen las situaciones verdaderamente difíciles; desechémonos de la ira o rabia que a veces sentimos y reconozcamos que en realidad ¡no vale la pena, la mayoría de las situaciones no son en realidad tan serias!

Olvidando las cosas insignificantes en mi vida, Pastor Joell A. Perez

Proverbios 29:8 "Los provocadores agitan la ciudad, pero los sabios alejan la ira."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 09:20 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 11 2012

God bless!

                Have you ever heard that saying one person's garbage is another person's treasure? The verse today is a direct support of that saying, just because we have tasted and think we have had the fullness of something doesn't mean we have. The moral today of the verse is for us to appreciate what we have because many people would love to have what God has blessed us with. Yes you! Your wife, your car, your house, your job, etc.  Just because we are used to something or something is a routine to us doesn't take value away from that something. I encourage you today to take a moment and appreciate what you have been blessed with. Think about what your life would be like if that something wasn't there tomorrow. We need to recognize!


Appreciating my surroundings,

Pastor Joell A. Perez


Proverbs 27:7 "One who is full loathes honey from the comb, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet."



¡Que Dios Te Bendiga!

¿Alguna vez haz oído el dicho de que lo que es basura para una persona es un tesoro para otra? El versículo que repasaremos hoy nos demuestra la realidad de este dicho. El hecho de que hayamos probado algo o usado algo no significa que ya se usó a lo máximo o en su totalidad. Lo que el Señor nos quiere recordar en este día por medio de este versículo es a que verdaderamente apreciemos lo que tenemos; no tenemos que indagar mucho para darnos cuenta que otras personas darían lo que fuera por tener aunque sea algunas de las bendiciones que Dios nos ha regalado a ti y a mi. ¡Sí tú, lo que tú tienes es deseado por otros! Tu cónyuge, tu carro, tu casa, tu trabajo etc. El hecho de que estemos acostumbrados a algo o a alguien o el hecho de que ya tengamos ciertas rutinas no le quita el valor a las cosas o personas en nuestra vida. En este día te quiero animar a que tomes un momento y realmente aprecies todas las bendiciones que te rodean. Piensa por un instante, ¿como seria tu vida si el día de mañana ya no tuvieras esa bendición en tu vida? ¡Tenemos que reconocer y apreciar lo que tenemos!

Apreciando todo en mí entorno,

Pastor Joell A. Perez

 Proverbios 27:7 "El hombre saciado desprecia el panal de miel, pero al hambriento, aun lo amargo le resulta dulce."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 09:26 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 09 2012

God bless!


                I think the title of this devotional says it all. Being Christian is not winning a popularity contest at all. Many will put you down and many will try to persecute you but, at the end of the day we must all realize what God has prepared for us. "What is that?" you ask. Picture your happiest moment ever and multiply it times eternity, it's the ability to not worry about anything or anyone and take a deep breath because of the joy of life rather than the anxiety of pressures. It's like the moment when you are served with your favorite dessert and you quickly forget about everything else around you. The moment I'm trying to describe is wholeness, fulfillment despite the circumstances. If we can feel joy for silly little things like a favorite food can you imagine what we should feel knowing that for every curse the devil throws at us God lays up 100 blessings to restore us. God today wants us to know that most people may not like us now and may never like us for that matter but God will always love us. As a matter of fact, God loves us so much He gave His only begotten Son so that you and I may have everlasting life with Him. With all that said,  is it really worth stressing out over a person that does not like you? I don't think so!


Throwing up the peace sign to those that don't like me,

Pastor Joell  A. Perez


Mark 13:13 "Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 10:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 06 2012

God bless!


                Who do you listen to? As the verse below states many will come in His name but at the end of the day they are not from Him, how can we tell the difference? ACTIONS! These days there are new doctrines and revelations by the ton, someone will get up every other day and claim to have an inside track on God and His desire for humanity but they all seem to fade away. Why is there so much confusion? The confusion is not from God. God is a God of order as we all know and due to this we have to all be clear that there is no change in Him nor is there any hesitation from Him to us. All the tools that we need to be successful today have been gifted to us by God and were given to us even before we were born.

                So how do we get convinced by imitators? Lack of relationship, I know many may think "this guy is always preaching on the same topic" and you are right, I do. If we can get this point of our lives right and establish a true relationship with God then we have everything figured out. Why was David considered a man after Gods own heart?  His prayer and worship life, why did Abraham get the title "father of faith"? His obedience and proximity to God was the key. What are we going to be known for?  Today is a new day and a fresh start for our journey back to Him, are you coming?


Getting ready to know Him more, A. Perez

Pastor Joell


Mark 13:6 "Many will come in my name, claiming, ?I am he,' and will deceive many."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 10:14 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 05 2012

God bless!


                Many people these days get so hung up on doing the religious thing that they don't invest the time into doing the right thing. I know that may sound a bit weird but it is very important that we understand that God seeks us to have a knowledge of right based on His terms rather than us to do what's right based on our terms. In other words, too many of us today are manipulating and justifying what is right and what is wrong, to accommodate our flesh (there I said it!). I know many may be nodding their head in disbelief at what I just said assuming "I would never do that" but we all do. It's like when we know we are doing something border line wrong but we are so good at convincing ourselves that we actually walk away feeling good about doing bad. Makes sense? As I write today I'm being convicted, it's tough at times to try to do right but the beauty of the verse of today is that Jesus evaluates this man's proximity to the Kingdom of God by his knowledge rather than his current actions. In other words Jesus knew that as long as this man recognized what was right he would be able to walk in it. The problem for us today is we don't want to recognize His right but instead want to recognize our own. (SELAH)

                With all of this said today there is one fundamental thing that we must all understand: God is patient and loving and He wants us to return to Him today. Let's all begin today to put down our tools of justification and begin to man up and woman up to what has to be done in our lives to get right and get happy. Is it easy? You know it's not, but as long as we recognize the true right then all the other issues and requirements will fall into place. Let's walk away happy from this email today knowing that there still is hope if we believe. How close are you to the Kingdom?


Evaluating my positioning,

Pastor Joell A. Perez


Mark 12:34 "When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." And from then on no one dared ask him any more questions."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 10:51 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 03 2012

God bless!

                As a pastor I am asked questions constantly about my style of living and what things I have to do because I'm a "Pastor", I chuckle at this because we are all in the same boat! Many people get hung up on titles and therefore feel that they can have a lower standard of responsibility than those with "titles", I have bad news for some of us today: we are all liable to do the same thing. Of course there is a greater level of responsibility (that goes without saying) but at the end of the day the verses below really encapsulate the point of being a Christian. We have to LOVE. As I express openly from my part this is quite hard at times, especially in the moments when the love tank is running on empty.

As many are familiar with the five love languages, I will share that the same way we have love languages with people we also have it with God. The major difference is that He speaks all of our Love languages yet we at times seem to fail to speak His. What is His? QUALITY TIME. No doubt about it, don't try to analyze it too deeply because all HE wants from us is our time, priority and a sense of importance. I know many of us don't want to hear this but it's my job to speak in truth. At times I want this to be easy but I realize I wasn't called by God to be "Loved" by everyone and I know this because neither was His Son. Today I share with you that if we really want things to change in our life then we need to begin to spend time with Him. Love Him above all things and think of Him before all things. This is the greatest commandment. Are you up for it?


Trying to court God,

Pastor Joell A. Perez



Mark 12:29-31 ""The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: ?Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31 The second is this: ?Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 10:39 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 02 2012

God bless!

                This is such an awesome time of year, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the sound of fireworks takes over the atmosphere. As so many people are celebrating the independence of this great country today I encourage you to also celebrate your own independence. Have you ever taken the time to consider where you would be if it were not for God? Has He not done immense things in our lives? When I think back of all the "issues" He freed me from I nod my head and once again re-connect with Him. We all forget from time to time of all the things He has done and though it's awful to take Him for granted it's something that happens over and over. So what do we do now? Well the first step in celebrating something is recognizing its existence, I challenge you today to write down three things God has done for you since you received Him as your Lord and Savior. After you write them down post them on your wall at home so that the memory of His great victories in your life are not easily forgotten.

Thinking of His great Love

Pastor Joell A. Perez

Posted by: Pastor Joell A. Perez AT 04:42 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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 Job 8:7

"And though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase." 

 "Y aunque tu Principio haya sido pequeno, Tu postrer estado sera muy grande."

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