God bless,
If someone gave you a beautiful, irreplaceable, one of a kind gift, would you put it away in your closet and wait until right when you are about to die to thank him or her? Would you just take the gift and not acknowledge it at all? Of course not! We all have some kind of sense to show our appreciation and thank that person immediately when the gift is received!
The same way that we show our gratitude to those around us for their kindness, should also be the way we show our loving kindness to God! I would even dare to say that our gratitude and acts of appreciation should be much greater, for what He gives is everlasting and irrevocable and eternal. So when I meditate on this, I realize that if I do it for those who come and go and for things that will perish, then how much greater should my loving kindness and praise be for Him who is eternal and everlasting and loving towards me!!!
My lips shall praise you now!!! Pastor Elizabeth Z. Perez
Psalms 63:3-4 "Because thy loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name".